The Bankhead Amateur Radio Club has followed an even keel for 40 years, with Ed Weatherford, KS4B (SK) as president for most of that time. We will all miss Ed, but the club plans to honor his memory by maintaining a stable officer team.
At the May 9, 2023 meeting, the club made the following changes (interim until formal elections in January 2024).
Bruce Kelso, K4BDK- President
Sonny Blankenship, N4JDB- Vice President
David Hicks, N4DPH- Secretary/Treasurer
Todd Winsor, KS4T- Chaplin
The club appointed Rex Free, KN4CI as repeater trustee.
The club created the position of Public Information Officer which was filled by Steven Hoff, N9FC, who will also be Club Callsign Trustee.
The officers appreciate the kind and supportive club members who make this possible.
Prior to his passing, Ed formed teams for the following areas:
Mark Andrews, N4FH- Field Day Chairman
Tom Wright, W4TFW & David Hicks, N4DPH- Super Site Committee