Upcoming 2018 Meetings

The new year is already starting out with new activities.  We will try to have some type of guest speaker or ham related activity at each meeting.  If you have any special interests you would like to present  or topic you want to learn more about, please let one of the club officers know.  Below are the plans for the next two meetings:

January Meeting

The guest speaker for our January 9, 2018 meeting will be Roy Nagle, KI4UX.  Roy has been appointed District Emergency Coordinator for our area by the ARRL.    We will also have club elections.


February Meeting

Our guest speaker for the February 13, 2018 meeting will be Todd Barron, who is the WCM at the weather service in HSV.  Todd is also a ham.  He will present a (hopefully short) class on spotting and SKYWARN.

Note:  To give Todd time for his presentation, we will start at 6:30pm.   

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